26th/27th IJCIEOM – International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Virtual Edition | February 22-24, 2021

Organizing Institutions:

(IJCIEOM 2021)

 Abstract or full paper Submission Deadline:
Postponed to October, 16th

Notification of short or full paper Acceptance:
November, 20th


Selected papers were published in this links:

Conference Proceedings – www.abepro.org.br/proceedings

Springer Book – link.springer.com

Anothers publications coming soon.

Welcome to brazil

The beautiful city of Rio de Janeiro will be the venue for the 26th IJCIEOM International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, on February 22-24. This year theme will be “Challenge and Trends for Sustainability in the 21st Century”, looking ahead to bridge theory and practice of economic, social and environmental sustainability. This conference is aimed to enhance connection between academia and industry and to gather researchers and practitioners specializing in operation management, industrial engineering, engineering management and other related disciplines from around the world.
This year theme will be “Challenge and Trends for Sustainability in the 21st Century”, looking ahead to bridge theory and practice of economic, social and environmental sustainability.
IJCIEOM 2020/2021
Rio de Janeiro

Tracks and Themes

Operations, Manufacturing, Industrial and Production Engineering and Management fields. Specific themes include but are not limited to:

  • Operations and Process Management,
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management,
  • Quality Management,
  • Data Science and Stochastic Optimization,
  • Product Development,
  • Strategy and Organizational Engineering,
  • Knowledge and Information Management,
  • Managerial Economics,
  • Work and Human Factors,
  • Sustainability,
  • Production Engineering Education,
  • Healthcare Operations Management
  • Disaster Management
  • Global operations

Original manuscripts contributing of the themes of the conference are welcome.


 The general objectives of the IJCIEOM – International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (2020) are:

  • To promote researchers networking as a way to exchange ideas and approaches that contribute to the development of Industrial Engineering and Management from a scientific and industrial perspective.
  • To present advances in industrial engineering and operations management, and their applications to companies.
  • To maintain the level of excellence of previous conferences, in such a way that their publications (proceedings, books and journals) continue to be the best reference in this field.
  • To strengthen the national and international exchange relationships for investigators from recognized universities and research institutions.
  • Provide an opportunity for PhD students to present their current research and to discuss their findings with Senior Academics in their respective fields.


This conference is aimed to enhance connection between academia and industry and to gather researchers and practitioners specializing in industrial engineering and operations management.

By ABEPRO / ijcieom@abepro.org.br